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I am a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Racah Institute of Physics and the Faculty of Medicine, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

I recently received the Alon Fellowship and Azrieli Early Career Faculty Fellowship.

I was a joint John Harvard Distinguished Science Fellow and James S. McDonnell Fellow at Harvard University. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, working with Prof. Nir Friedman and Prof. Aviv Regev. I did my Phd in Physics and Computational Biology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, working with Prof. Hanah Margalit and Prof. Ofer Biham. During my PhD studies, I was a member of the Azrieli Fellows Program.

My profile on Google Scholar.

A recent career feature in Nature Biotechnology: Five Questions.

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